Our Ecosystem

Cronos ID

Cronos ID is a decentralised identity and communication layer built on Cronos. On a broad level, Cronos ID will give users the ability to send and receive information on-chain, powered by human-readable identifiers.

Veno supports the integration of Cronos ID in which users could use their minted domain in our platform.

Website: https://cronosid.xyz/

Ferro Protocol

Built on the Cronos blockchain, Ferro Protocol is a StableSwap AMM protocol that brings a more efficient way for users to exchange and farm tokens by creating more efficient pools consisting of highly correlated assets, as well as allowing better composability between protocols in the Cronos ecosystem.

In partnership with us, Ferro is the official DEX to provide LCRO-CRO and LATOM-ATOM pool where users can swap between the tokens with ease, add liquidity to earn swap fees, and stake liquidity to earn additional incentives.

Website: https://ferroprotocol.com/

Minted Network

Minted.network is a decentralised NFT platform that aspires to be the digital bazaar of wonders for everyone to discover, trade, and find NFT gems, native to Ethereum and Cronos. Aiming to bring more tools for collection owners to design, curate, and offer utilities to their communities, all without the technical complexities that riddle many aspiring collection owners.

In partnership with us, Minted is the official NFT marketplace for the Veno NFT collection.

Website: https://minted.network/


Syncswap is a decentralised exchange on zkSync Era. Powered by zero-knowledge technology, it brings its users easy-to-use and low-cost DeFi with complete Ethereum security. It is also designed to be the exchange layer and a solution to liquidity on the zkSync Era network at the protocol level.

In partnership with us, Syncswap provides an LETH-ETH pool where users can swap between the tokens with ease, as well as adding and staking liquidity to earn incentives.

Website: https://syncswap.xyz/


Maverick is a decentralised AMM on Ethereum and zkSync Era which helps its users maximize capital efficiency by automating the concentration of liquidity as price moves. Their core features include custom LP distribution, low LP maintenance, and increased capital efficiency.

In collaboration with us, Maverick provides an ETH-LETH pool where users can swap between the tokens with ease, as well as adding and staking liquidity to earn incentives.

Website: https://app.mav.xyz/

Interested in collaborating with us?

Please fill in the application form below to provide the details of your partnership request. We will reach out to you if we would like to move forward with it.

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